Deployment and Projects


Table: Number of MAC Staff Members as of December 2023

No. Demining and Special Units Permanent Staff SSA Staff Leave of Absence Jan-Dec 2023
Total Staff
1 Headquarters 161 20 9 190
2 Demining Unit 1 (DU1) 175 23 2 200
3 Demining Unit 2 (DU2) 284 36 6 326
4 Demining Unit 3 (DU3) 163 15 1 179
5 Demining Unit 4 (DU4) 142 23 2 167
6 Demining Unit 5 (DU5) 141 8 2 151
7 Demining Unit 6 (DU6) 260 27 3 290
8 Development Demining Unit (DDU) 58 4 1 63
9 Kampong Thom Frontline Demining Unit (KFU) 21 3 2 26
10 Technical Institute of Mine Action (TIMA) 22 11 1 34
11 Dog Centre (DC) 34 11 0 45
12 Special Unit of Post-Clearance Development &
Victim Assistance (PCD)
3 1 0 4
13 Special Unit of Underwater Operations (SUUO) 68 0 0 68
14 Explosive Harvesting Program (EHP) 6 1 0 7
15 Community Development Centre (CDC) 6 3 0 9
16 Central Workshop (CWS) 19 6 0 25
17 Peace Museum of Mine Action 2 3 0 5
Total 1,565 23 29 1,789

Current Projects

CMAC employs a diverse range of funding channels to support its projects, ensuring a sustainable financial framework that drives its mission forward. These funding channels encompass a combination of donor contributions and contractual services, enabling CMAC to effectively address various societal challenges.

Bilateral Projects

Bilateral funding schemes are an essential component of development cooperation and aid between nations. These schemes allow for specific projects to be developed and implemented with partner countries, providing tailored support to address specific humanitarian needs.

Bidding Projects

The demining efforts initiated by the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA) in coordination with various national and NGO demining operators have been a significant highlight of the ongoing projects in 2023. The bidding process has been successful in ensuring the standard quality of demining services and providing a way for organizations like CMAC to showcase their advanced tools and expertise at a lower cost. In CMAC's case, with its advanced tools and expertise, the organization was able to provide high-quality demining services at an acceptably low cost, thereby winning the auction.

Contractual Projects

Aside from demining activities within its jurisdiction, CMAC also plays a pivotal role in providing contractual services to support other demining operators on a national and international level.

Special Thanks to

And the following Governments, Donors and Partners

and Others